************* Configuration ************* IMPORT dcolumn_manager ====================== At the top of your settings import ``dcolumn_manager``. .. code:: from dcolumn.dcolumns.manager import dcolumn_manager INSTALLED_APPS ============== Add ``dcolumn`` to your INSTALLED_APPS settings: .. code:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'dcolumn.dcolumns', ) LOGIN_URL ========= If you want authorization on the API you will need to set the standard Django setting ``LOGIN_URL`` to something reasonable. .. code:: # Change the URL below to your login path or set it to the path below # to use the admin login. LOGIN_URL = "/admin/login/" DColumns Config =============== In your settings define page location for each field that you enter into the ``DynamicColumn`` table. Pass a tuple of tuples with the first variable as the key and the second variable as the value into the ``dcolumn_manager.register_css_containers`` method. They should be referenced in your templates as CSS classes ``{{css.top}}``, ``{{css.center}}``, etc. You can add as many of these as you wish. The first object of the tuple becomes a variable so these names must conform to standard Python variable characters. See :example-html:`book_create_view.html ` for an example of template usage. .. code:: dcolumn_manager.register_css_containers( (('top', 'top-container'), ('center', 'center-container'), ('bottom', 'bottom-container') )) The following stanza when put in the settings file will enable customization to `DColumns`. As of now there is only a single variable used and it defines an API call. By default only logged in users can assess this call. You can change this behavior by setting ``INACTIVATE_API_AUTH`` to ``True``. This stanza in the settings is optional at this time. .. code:: DYNAMIC_COLUMNS = { # To allow anybody to access the API set to True. 'INACTIVATE_API_AUTH': False, } Setting the URLs ================ The master ``urls.py`` file needs to have added the following line for the admin to work properly:: urlpatterns = [ ..., re_path(r'^dcolumns/', include('dcolumn.dcolumns.urls')), ..., ]