************ Installation ************ PIP === The easiest way to install the Django DColumns package is with pip:: $ pip install django-dcolumns GitHub ====== You can also install the GitHub version which has a lot of example code. This is also useful if you want to see Django DColumns running in a real environment:: $ git clone https://github.com/cnobile2012/dcolumn.git .. note:: Be aware that the pip requirements in the GitHub repository are not frozen. This may cause Django DColumns to break if dependencies are used that are much newer than what I used in this release. If this happens, please put a issue in my :issues:`GitHub Issues <>` account to let me know. It is highly recommended that after doing a pip install to clone the git repository. Many examples exist there that will not be in a pip install. Examples of how to use CSS with the template tags and a demo PostgreSQL database containing test data is also available. The repository can be found at :base:`GitHub Code <>`